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Children's Nursery

Second Floor, Room 214


but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,

for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.   - Matthew 19:14



Children are welcome at all points during our worship. During liturgies, parents are encouraged to bring their children to the altar for Holy Communion or a blessing. Infants and toddlers experience the love and comfort of the church family while being cared for during classes and services.


Nursery Staff

Calvary's Nursery is staffed at all times by two licensed childcare professionals.  Darlene Clay has been caring for Calvary's children for 20 years and Joann Wingfield has been on staff for 3 years.  


Pre-school Curriculum

As children become pre-school aged (2-4 years), the nursery staff starts to introduce bible stories and prayer to learn about God and Jesus at an early age.  Bible Study Color 'n Learn is used as foundational curriculum to engage children on their level while creating an opportunity to learn about the Christian story.  


Typically, snacks are available and outdoor play in Calvary's courtyard swing set is encouraged as the weather permits. 


Childcare Policies

In order to make sure that our nursery is a happy, safe, and fun environment, we have established the following guidelines:


  • Please make the staff aware of any allergies or medical needs when you leave your child.

  • When you arrive, please sign in your child.

  • The nursery opens 10 minutes before each service and closes 15 minutes after its conclusion.

  • Please do not leave the church while your child is in the nursery.

  • Many times, young children cry when they are dropped off in the nursery. Some separation anxiety is normal for young children, and they are usually easily distracted soon after they arrive. In some cases, children continue to cry. If after 10 minutes we are not able to console your child, you may be notified by the nursery staff.



Please help keep help us keep our children healthy by keeping your child with you if they have any of the following symptoms:


  • Coughing/sneezing

  • Runny nose (colored discharge)

  • Fever

  • Vomiting/diarrhea within 24 hours

  • Contagious disease (Chicken Pox/pink eye)

  • Inflamed mouth or throat

  • Chest congestion/labored breathing

  • Open sores

  • Colored discharge from eyes

If you have any questions about the Calvary Nursery, or childcare, please contact the Church Office.



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