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How to Find Us

Calvary Episcopal Church is located at 821 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203.


Our phone number is (502) 587-6011, fax is (502) 587-6012.


The Church office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.



Though the parking lot on the North side of Calvary is marked for System Parking, there is no need to pay to use the lot for Calvary events. Please park anywhere in the lot. If you would like a Calvary parking permit, they can be requested in the parish office in-person or by email.


Also Spalding University has graciously offered their parking lot to the south of our courtyard for Sunday parking. If you would like to park there and are able, that would leave the lot north of Calvary free for visitors and those who cannot walk far.

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