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Pastoral Care


One of the ways we embody the love of Jesus Christ to one another is by caring for each other. The Apostle Paul encouraged the church to bear one another’s burdens.


Pastoral Care at Calvary encompasses a variety of ministries, including the sacraments of the church, communion and pastoral visits, prayer, flower delivery, transportation, cards and calls, and meals for those in need.


Pastoral Care and Prayer Request Form

To request a visit from clergy or lay ministers, call or email the Rector, The Rev. Dr. Lee Shafer in the Church Office at 502-587-6011. If desiring to add a name to the intercessory prayer list, prayer cards are also available in the pews and may be placed in the Offering Plate or handed to an usher. Typically, names remain on the Prayer List for four weeks. Respecting confidentiality, we usually use only first names.


When to Call a Member of the Clergy

  • Any parishioner may call at any hour of the day or night, seven days a week, in the event of a pastoral crisis such as someone dying, someone in grave danger, or other pastoral emergency.

  • If possible, a priest should be called when someone is near death to administer Last Rites and pray with the family. If not possible, a priest should be contacted whenever a parishioner has died.

  • When someone is ill or hospitalized.

  • When someone is experiencing distress and needs pastoral care.

  • When someone wants to discuss spiritual or theological matters.

  • When someone has reason to celebrate.

  • When someone just wants to talk to a priest. Anyone may call the church office to set up an appointment for a non-crisis visitation.


Hospital Visits

When parishioners are sick and/or hospitalized, the Rector of Calvary, once informed, is happy to make a pastoral visit. 



Feel free to contact the Rector for other services such as Reconciliation of the Penitent, Thanksgiving for the birth of a child, Blessing of a home, etc.


Calvary Cares


Meal Delivery

As the Body of Christ, we are called to care for those in pain, sorrow, need or trouble.  A caring group of volunteers provide hot meals to those who are grieving, have recently been hospitalized, or have had a crisis.  We also congratulate a family who has a new baby with a hot meal. Please let us know if you have a particular need.


Please remember that hospitals no longer contact us – we rely on family members to let us know of a need.


Flower Delivery

The Flower Delivery Committee is composed of Calvary parishioners, who deliver flowers to fellow parishioners. The recipients may be ill, in a nursing home, in the hospital, new parents or members who have lost a friend or relative.


The committee members arrange the flowers from the altar after the service and deliver to the designated recipients. This is a very rewarding experience for the deliverers and the receivers alike.  Please contact the Church Office if you are interested.


Home Visits and Eucharistic Visitors

Sometimes people are unable to attend worship services due to illness, prolonged recovery, or simply the aging process. In such instances, lay Eucharistic Visitors will be glad to bring Holy Communion to you. This ministry exists to supplement rather than replace clergy visits. If you desire home communion, please contact the Parish Office.  


At Calvary Episcopal Church we use a team of trained lay Eucharistic Visitors to provide the sacrament to those who are hospitalized, homebound, or in nursing homes. Those engaged in this ministry must be licensed by the bishop and undergo a diocesan training session.


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