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Calvary-Engelhard Violin School


At Calvary, we believe music is important to how we experience God in our lives.  As the classical arts sometimes go unsupported in our society, Calvary Episcopal Church has joined with the Judy Wilson Suzuki Violin School to offer violin lessons to students at Engelhard Elementary School, Calvary's neighbor.


Judy is a member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, a violinist in the Louisville Orchestra and a member of Calvary Episcopal Church.  Talented and dedicated, Judy offers private, one-on-one lessons on Tuesday afternoons at Calvary.


Students accepted into the program are provided instruments, books, and have access to monthly group classes with other area Suzuki violin students.  Students also have performance opportunities with recitals and occasional church services.


About the Suzuki Method

Suzuki teachers believe that musical ability can be developed in ALL children and children are noble human beings.  Through the Suzuki Method, children are taught life skills such as attention to detail and work-ethic, 


  • Students begin at young ages

  • Parents play an active role in the learning process

  • Children become comfortable with the instrument before learning to read music

  • Students perform frequently, individually and in groups


If you would like to know more about the Calvary-Engelhard Violin School, please contact

Judy Wilson.



Calvary Episcopal Church |  821 South Fourth Street   Louisville, KY 40203  502-587-6011

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