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African Children's Choir

July 21 | 11 am


Calvary is proud to welcome the African Children's Choir to sing during our 11 am service on July 21st.


The choir was founded in 1984 by Ray Barnett, a Canadian on a humanitarian trip to Uganda.

With a focus on education as a means for change, the Choir is currently caring for underprivileged and destitute children throughout Africa. These are children who could have lost all hope, but have overcome their circumstances and now are making a positive impact on society.

The African Children’s Choir has been working with the most vulnerable children in Africa for over 30 years, raising awareness of the plight of Africa’s vulnerable, but also showing the beauty, dignity and potential of each African child. They perform throughout the world bringing hope and joy to everyone they meet. They are a voice for the millions of children suffering in Africa.

Read more about the African Children's Choir


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821 South Fourth Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40203

Memo: Sacred Arts 


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